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Jan 21, 2011

while waiting for baby to prepare breakfast for me i'm here for a lil' update.. can't rmb what to update for my previous wks due to my head is banging hard... sigh.. mc for 2 days to due throat infection that caused fever.. >.<... so its super long wkend for me..

tonight gg to VC's mum funeral.. den tml i'm thinking whether to go do my nails anot since baby ask me not to go malaysia do cos only me and jie gg in nia.. he say very dangerous .. actually i wasn't that paranoid till he scare me.. so i decided not to go in alrdy since he say he will sponsor 1/2 for it if i do it in singapore.. hahaha! well, cny is coming so i better get myself recover by then la..

alr, time to rest again.. v bad headache..

♥ posted
1/21/2011 12:44:00 PM

Jan 8, 2011

well well.. congrats to the yams' & sims' to the arrival for lil' potato A.K.A Jayvien Sim

after work, waited for tri to come fetch us den cabbed over to TMC.. stayed there till 5+ .. in between Winnie told us bout how she felt and how it hurt during the process and realise she's so brave and started to feel how did my mum went through all that man?! somemore 3x~! so i do always think that MAMA IS ZHUI WEI DA DE~!!!! 1000x horrays to all mothers ... left for popeyes at sq2 cos tri feel like having it.. den met jun and all trained back to clementi for pig organ soup! hahaha! slack there till 10+ den went seperate ways..
cant wait for lil's potato to grow up! hahaha! best part? my sis is older den him by 2 cycles~! LOL~! 24 yrs age gap .. imagine that! you might not find a lady @ 24 is old, but hearing 2 cycles of the zodiac sign really really sounds OLD~!

it's gonna be an earlier night for baby and me cos we've gt program tonight.. so my plan is , ITS MASK TIME~! n continue playing words.. hahaha.. its way too addictive~! plus., can't wait for tml dinner.. not craving for steamboat but miss my BITCHES~!

♥ posted
1/08/2011 11:40:00 PM

Jan 3, 2011

wooohooo~! its 2011 alrdy.. Happy New Year my dear~!
i'm back to update while uploading the photos onto fb.
apparently i spent my christmas and ny eve playing mj instead of joining the crowd this yr. guess really getting old and feel pretty lazy enough to go for any countdown party..


on leave again. yeap. accompanied baby back to the clinic for medical review and guess what? doc gave him 2 more wks of mc.. sigh sigh.. well, guess we can't rush things.. now back to baby's place and rest for awhile and later we'll b gg to his sch for his physiotherapy ... wanted to return $$$$ to baby but when he saw the balance in my acct he said i could slowly return him the money.. hehehe.. THANKS baby!


the double AJ left arnd 11+ for the buffet over at Miramar Hotel.. the food there was not bad.. but the service leh.. isnt very good ... so after another sumptous meal for 2011 (i dunnoe whr my new yr resolution went) , we went down to bugis and me and aiai went shopping while the 2 brothers went for coffee.. manage to buy the "stuffs" we needed and even one top for myself too. (= finished shopping went over to sim lim to find our BFs and cabbed back to wc while the other AJ cabbed to vivo for their movie..
didnt had any chance to nap at all cos justin had alrdy reached thus started mj when we reached wc.. mj all the way till 1+? after mj we heard some dogs and cats fighting and they barked and meowed so badly! my god.. n from 25th floor i saw a "thing" lying on the pavement so i made baby go down with me to check out that thing thinking was an injured dog.. when we reached, it was a cat, and was BADLY INJURED~! omg~!! i was so horrified la.. and luckily i didnt go over and see that cat , if nt i guess i dun have to sleep la.. thus, i made justin and baby call the SPCA to report the injured cat and get help from them. after calling, they said we needed to wait for 30-45 mins , so we went to buy some drinks, while crossing the road, we saw at least 3 police car parking at the side of the road and a quite many ppl arnd that area.. hahaha.. so happening right? wanted to go over and check out but they stopped me and said i was KPO... )= so went to buy drinks instead.. but guess what's e best part? after getting the drinks , justin said lets walk the other way back.. and that way we will pass the "group" of ppl. -.-! but by the time we're walking back, the cars are gone and the group had disperse .. so went back to check out the cat, and sadly to say, the cat was dead. no longer breathing.. sigh.. so waited for the officer from SPCA to collect it and went back ... sigh sigh sigh...


woke up arnd 12 to get ready and left to meet my sis for our hair appt. perm perm perm... after 2 1/2 hrs at the salon we cabbed back to wc .. waited for the ppl to reach and we started our pot luck! so much good food la!!! so sinful... after dinner was drinking session over at cocoon.. before gg over to cocoon, we all gathered under their block and seriously looked like illegal gathering cos in total there were 13 of us! faint! went over to cocoon and drink till 1+ ? back to wc for supper before back to sleep.. tired!

♥ posted
1/03/2011 12:40:00 PM

Dec 24, 2010

back to for update~!
24th dec-

today's XMAS eve and for the first time i'm staying hm to "celebrate" my countdown. hahaha.. today went to work for only 3hrs45mins nia ((= hahaha.. went for xmas lunch with some colleagues at shima and thanks DR.LEE for the treat, eat till so full! aftermath cabbed hm and grab some stuff before coming back to wc to find baby. acc him for a haircut and for the 1st time he walked so far w/o his stick~! hahaha.. guess he's recovering fast. and thanks to the wishes that ppl are giving him..
tonight's plan is dinner with baby's parent(which was so last min!) aftermath MJ with the AJ~! well, for the first time ever we're celebrating and counting tgt with just the double AJ.. hahah! can't wait for tml~!!! hope we can get "it" in time~!

23rd dec-

took a day leave to acc baby to Mt.E to remove his stitches den we cabbed down to westmall cos baby wanna check any more stocks for iphone 4 but we were too late. in the end, we went to shop for presents for the 0101 xchange instead. baby was so sweet to buy a me set of facial products frm face shop! he got a facial cleanser too. thanks!!!! after getting the presents, he was tired alrdy so we cabbed back wc. slack the whole day and order mac for dinner! finally get to eat my mac!!! so happy.

♥ posted
12/24/2010 06:48:00 PM

Dec 21, 2010

wow. finally back to update my blog. i've neglected it for bout 2 wks man.. hmmm.. pretty much NTH happened these past 2 wks. its was just baBy went for his sugery. and been busying taking care of him. so tired.. and for the wkends will be like so bored. but what to do??? can't help it. he's feeling worst. cos i am still able to go to work , and him? simply staying at hm all day long. and finally after 6 days after his op , we went to eeleen's bdae BBQ over at manross's place. it's kinda easy cos they came over to fetch us there and sent us back too. hahaa.. other than that, i only brought him out once just for a dinner at the nearby coffee shop but that was tiring too cos we took 1/2 hr just to n fro whereby is used to only take 5 mins. hahaha.. plus he was having cold sweat after walking those distance! this thurs we're gg back to the clinic to have his stitches remove. well, as for our christmas we're gonna be spending it at his place cos of his knee.. haha. well.. thats all. bye~! MERRY CHRISTMAS IN ADVANCE~!

♥ posted
12/21/2010 08:25:00 PM