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Jun 30, 2010

am i really the cause to our quarrels? u said i pick on the things u do thus we frequent quarrel.
do u know how much this sentence weighs? how much hurt it cause.

today, 300610 shall be the day.

♥ posted
6/30/2010 01:27:00 PM

Jun 25, 2010

its friday~~~!!! weekends!! one thing i love bout weekends is that i can sleep in later. another thing i love bout weekends is that i can eat, sleep & slack the whole day. wahahhaha.. anyway, this morning weather definitely is a god damn super nice weather to sleep in however almost all are unable to do so cos today's still a working day. hmmm if tml and sun's weather is e same wouldn't it be so nice~~~~. awww... *pray hard*

anyways, my stock take is tml midnight. hahaha. imagine that? have to go work in the middle of the night. pathetic. but its ok, cos the allowance is good. =) wow. this morning was raining so heavily that by the time i reach the office my jeans and my pumps are soaking wet and my hair and my top is semi-wet. well, then i was asking myself wad's the umbrella for ?? it deficit the purpose of me bringing it.. *shake head* blah blah... make time pass faster man. i'm super bored at work today cos i've nth to do. lalalalala... if i can sleep all the way till 6 den isn't it great?? hahaha. i m daydreaming ...

♥ posted
6/25/2010 01:08:00 PM

Jun 24, 2010

24th june-

weee... June is coming to an end. when June ends, July comes, and when July ends, August comes, and when August is here means my TAIWAN is so near.. LOL. *u guys can ignore me* well, finally till today i got to know my stock take schedule.. initially wanted to go my mum's clinic but it was a bloody arsehole who got it, and that arsehole is from CHINA. ask her to change, she tot that the clinic is GOLD so gave super loads of excuses not to change. nb.. really felt like whacking her bloody CB mouth.. well, u guys can imagine hw farking noisy and hw much she contributed to the noise pollution? *shake head* dun wanna talk bout her and spoil my mood much longer... but i simply just HATE HER~!!!!

23th june-

sakae sushi dinner with KOK, FEN,TRI & KEE over at west coast plaza. while waiting for them finally went to buy my contact lens solution after so long becos i keep forgetting to buy em'. guess wad? i finally remembered my solutions but i forgot to buy my lens. *faint* dinner till 9+. walked back to get the car, went over to jurong to pick something up for my mum. send the girls hm den hm sweet hm...

♥ posted
6/24/2010 12:46:00 PM

Jun 22, 2010

22nd june-

wondering what program shall i have after work. still feeling super tired. i mean if i din sleep enough over the wkends, then when mon and tues comes, i will be a zombie roaming around. and this kind of feeli
ng sucked!

21st june-
guess wad??? funny thing. i didn't make plan to meet him on the bus, but he board the bus. i didn't make plan to wc park with him but he was over at wc park. *shake head* but only him and me know the story behind all these. after all, talked nearly close to 2 hrs before we went for dinner. tired n swollen eyes, blisters feet. hmmm... a price to pay.

20th june-

pretty much slept my whole day away, went for dinner den bk to slp. bk hm arnd 2+ in the midnight plus it was after a missed call from my mum. luckily with her, if not i guess i would overslept over at wc.

19th june-

over to vivo, went to AX to change the size of my clothes but no new pieces thus gotta wait. went over to "white dog cafe" for breakfast, lunch n dinner. the food was not bad, environment was good too. back to wc, changed and met up with the rest. guess why i said i had dinner at WDC too? becos that was the only meal me n kok had the whole day. and went out sea fishing! =) kok caught a big sting ray, jie caught a few fishes, well, pretty much everyone caught something other than me. sad sad me =( but its okie. cos i get to eat the stuff they caught too LOL.


went over to marina sq to have yuki yaki with KOK, TRI, ZW, AUGUST AND FEN... and this time round, we all finally got to eat the D-I-Y ice cream. after dinner cabbed back to wc with AUGUST n KOK. den we chatted till 1+

♥ posted
6/22/2010 01:06:00 PM

Jun 18, 2010

first of all-


well. i dunno. it should be a happy day. i hope it will be. i woke up worried, den i felt relieved. i tot well, even though a bit of worrying but at least everything's fine. thus once again back to my happy mood as today is a special day for me n him plus after work there's a meet up for buffet with the usual peps, but my mood sank once again on my way to work. *shrug*

17th june

met TRICIA & AUGUST at je mrt and train back to cck tgt. AUGUST treat us over dinner at new york new york while waiting for REBS , HAZEL & RON to reach. after gathering up, went over to 216 to slack and halfway through and so coincidence, AHYONG, HUA & GF came over so slack tgt. HUA & GF left first, followed by REBS, HAZEL & RON, left the 4 of us... and the guys are like super stress till TRICIA n me also very stress. talked a lot over marriage with them and finally hm arnd 2+3? *tired*

♥ posted
6/18/2010 12:52:00 PM

Jun 16, 2010

i think i shld be able to post nw since its alrdy the16th june.
10th june-
went to town with BELL after and so qiao angel was also meeting boi at town so we all finished shopping and met up at FEP for dinner aftermath went over to lido mac for chilling. den cabbed hm with angel, kee n fen alrdy at my hse waiting for mj le. -.-'

11th june-
su's husband came to fetch us and went over to dover to fetch BELL before we head over to the chalet. *super great thanks to him* he just specially come and fetch us and send us over. isn't it like super nice? hahhaa. den the buffet came around 6. cake came around 5+... den the guest came arnd 8+?? den it was blah blah blah for the first night.

12th june-
woke up super early cos i need to reach wlds polyclinic bby 930 for my dental appt. after my dental appt went for breakfast with BELL. den went to get somemore stuff for the chalet and cabbed bk. started mj once we're bk in the chalet and then went swimming around 5+? only played awhile becos all of us were super hungry so went bk to the chalet for BBQ! rented bike for cycling too =) and the rest simply MJ all the way... hahaha...

13th june-
bk out arnd 11. went over to white sand for mac with the remaining ppl who stayed all the way. den went over to pungol for JEANELLE's 1st bday. then cabbed bk to wc and had a super bad quarrel with BELL den i went hm myself. he came over in the evening to talk things out den we went for dinner+supper with mum n di.

14th june-

couldn't wake up for work in time so applied half day leave. >.<
went over to take the receipt from angel before gg hm becos i wanted to change the color of the longchamp bag they gave me =)

15th june-
went over to orchard after work. had dinner at pepperlunch =) den cabbed bk to wc. felt asleep after a shower. hahaha. bell helped me upload the photos up to fb... went hm arnd 1+. zzz.

♥ posted
6/16/2010 12:52:00 PM

Jun 11, 2010

wahahahaha...shocked ba that i hacked into your blog =x...juz wanna wish ya... ... ...

cant imagine time flies...last yr de todae...i was at west side dere for your

and now... ... ...to be exact ltr on after work...i gonna headed down east side for ur 21st!...wahahahaha...21st le wor...wish you yong yuan mei li, kai xin and most impt xinfu

tats all~

♥ posted
6/11/2010 10:07:00 AM

Jun 7, 2010

i m on leave today! hahaha. took leave to rest due to winnie's wedding last night. reached hm arnd 9+ this morning and went to bed about 10+ woke up every 2 hrs feeling super hungry but went back to sleep. finally woke up at 3. rot awhile before preparing out to meet bell at wc. later going to sheng siong with bell and mum to get some stuff for my chalet this fri..

first of all, congrats HENRY SIM n WINNIE YAM finally tied the knot!

woke up bout 7 prepared and bell sent me over to Winnie's place to meet the rest up. prepared and get ready, the photographer was taking photos of us holding to the stuffs of the gate crashing while waiting for the groom and his brothers to arrive. blah blah with the whole thingy den the morning section ended arnd 12+ 1. cabbed back to wc and rest for an hr before gg over to the hotel with bell. so on and so for, dinner started arnd 8+ and ended roughly arnd 1130? and packed our stuff and the rest of us *jimmy, jacky, joel, angel, alfred n me* went over to dragonfly for some drinking session and left arnd 2+. and funny thing, i was so confident telling jimmy i left my keys at kok's hse den kok said he din see me bringing out my key on sat. >.<

woke up 10+ early huh. hahaha. went for breakfast with bell n mum and den met tri n zw at panjang at 230 to bus dwn to bugis. went for lunch before gg into bugis st for mani and pedi. during the time, bell n zw went over to sim lim to get zw's portable dvd player. we left bugis arnd 9 and reach wc roughly bout 10.

♥ posted
6/07/2010 06:04:00 PM

Jun 2, 2010

its the 2nd day of june, and recently i am so god damn lazy to update my blog man. *sighs* i woke up this morning and felt that as if my throat had just swallowed a piece of bone. it hurts like hell man. god dammit. my left eye having bad infection and throat feels super sore. just have a super bad feeling bout this man. made me have no appetite for lunch. and i have to separate out my breakfast into 2 meals. >.< anyway, later gonna meet up the ladies after work for the final discussion regarding the gate crash and gonna get the ingredients etc.

♥ posted
6/02/2010 12:58:00 PM