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Apr 29, 2010

well. its been 3 days since i last saw BELL. finally its gg to be fri tml. and i can finally meet him. =D . next week he's still having OT... =( just now went to top up my fare card and stupid machine got stupid problem and deducted the wrong amnt of $$$. so went to ask the staffs there for help. in the end, the lady said she e only way out was to refund the whole amnt out and the card will only be in use *i tot since there's something wrong with my card so might as well change it*. so i go ahead with it. den the lady made a phone call to the management aftermath, she said they need to investigate this matter and that someone would come and chck the machine. *so damn fed up man made me wait* so i waited, in the end the guy in charged of the station can over and said they would give me a paper to go somewhere to let the ppl investigate this matter ~! WTF~! do u guys know why am i so pissed? becos the feeling they gave me was like i found the card and wanted to refund the money out becos there were $88.20 in it. and i told them off and demanded them to STOP WASTING MY TIME! and i told the guy, i dun want this card anymore~! refund my money and change a new card for me~! den guess wad he told me? he said i have to put a deposit of $5 and its non-refundable! -.-""""!!! den i told him i give u the $5 and just change the card for me and stop wasting my time~!... arghx. super angry with them lor. made me wait den still suspect that i was just trying to "cheat" the money. -.-"""~!!!! BTH lor!

♥ posted
4/29/2010 09:59:00 PM

Apr 28, 2010

i've just reached home not long ago and i m super tired. so will just make it a quick post. met up with FEN n REB after wrk for dinner at lot 1. JIE n MUM tag along too. went to get my lens, a new pair of pumps and nails polish. =D had dinner at pasta mania and saw 2 colleagues of mine den after dinner went to NTUC to get some stuffs for household and saw another colleague there man. LOL. after getting the stuffs cabbed hm... its been 2 days since i last saw BELL. miss him so much man~! 1 more day to go before i can meet him on fri.. hope and pray time FLIES. well. bye and gd nite..

♥ posted
4/28/2010 10:11:00 PM

Apr 27, 2010

i m so angry today. because of the stupid JEAN YIP!!!! i've completed and work for them for 2 1/2 yrs for my course. den today my fren went bk to take her cert. then the guy in charge STEVEN *bloody idiot* said that i din complete my 2 1/2 yrs so got no cert... WTF sia. so i called him straight away and told him off. he was e one who told me my contract is up to that particular date den now u said i din complete. but he din believe so i ask him to go chk it la. so unfair for me.. den he say he will go chk. imagine la, if i din fulfill the contract term, they won't ask me to pay meh? really have got no bloody brain man!

♥ posted
4/27/2010 08:11:00 PM

Apr 26, 2010

helllooo....back to update my activities over e weekend...
fri-went over to wc for dinner and shower before heading over to holland v for angel's ahma's wake. stayed till 1+? went over to holland v to chill out because KOK's cousin is in singapore so went to meet up with him. luckily TRI n KEE accied me over if not i would be bored to death cos they were in their own conversation all the time. left arnd 3?
went over to wc in the afternoon to grab some stuff den back hm again. waited for fen and MJ !!! den KEE came in the evening to take over FEN. so was like frm 3+ pm mj all e way till 3+ am..arnd 12 hrs of MJ... hahaha. KEE slept over cos we're waking up early for SENTOSA!!!!
woke up arnd 7+ and we all prepared and cabbed over to habour front for breakfast and meet up with ZW,TRI n AL... angel was too shag to join while lene got to help out her mum *whereby she JIO sentosa on e 25th de* >.< den we went to check out WAVEHOUSE ... was quite cool but still went back to palawan... all the way till 3+4? went to shower and all of us except for AL bused back to wc for zichar! yummy~!!! back hm arnd 8+... i really tired myself out and almost drained out my all of my energy...
frm today all the way till thurs i wun be meetin KOK cos he's having OT everyday.. omg.. feel so sad cos i am so used to meeting him everyday except for wed. but this wk i will only get to meet him only for fri, sat and sun. hai... wish that this wk will pass faster and maybe if can skip all the way to friday. hahaha. next wk he will still be having OT.. =( i want fri to come!

♥ posted
4/26/2010 09:11:00 PM

Apr 22, 2010

weee~!!! just finished dinner with BELL at NEWYORK NEWYORK! hehe. well, BELL said he wanted to treat me for some good food because i complained on tuesday that everyday i've been eating very healthy and i m getting so sick of e bee hoon soup everyday! i even throw temper and told him if that continue i m gg to skip dinner and not take anything at all eventhough i know wad he did was for my own good. hahaa. so he brought me for some good food today. hahaha. we order some wings, wedges, pasta for him and baked rice for me. but i couldnt even finish 2/5 of it. >.< but he din even say a thing. sometimes i really feel very blissful because he would give in to me to almost everything. hahaha. but sometimes he really gets on my nerve man~! argh... make me 又爱又恨 but usually is 爱 more la. hahaha. tml gg over to holland for angel's grandma's funeral but after that dunnoe wad to do. cos its FRIDAY night but no programmme has been plan. and since we're going over to holland so wont be going fishing. well well.. what should i do tml night???? i wonder i ponder.................

♥ posted
4/22/2010 08:45:00 PM

Apr 21, 2010

finally the skin is complete with the banner with the help of TRICIA THAM. and she asked why no special post for her. then this post shall be for her! thanks LAO GONG for pulling down my side borders so that my banner can fit in nicely. (cos i totally sucked with htmls and stuff* hahaha. anyways, u continue to jia you on ur OT ok??? if can see ya on fri if not den cya on SUN~! loves and hugs.

♥ posted
4/21/2010 10:30:00 PM

well. this post is specially for ANGEL AIAI & ALFRED BF~!!! haha.

well to ANGEL AIAI first ba. gal, try to chill a bit eh. i believe if u don't give up everything will turn out fine. but if you choose to give up halfway through than i dont what to say. because i did never give up ,and i also will never give up, that time and everything turns out fine. so hope you will be firm like me and dont give up just because of tired and sick all that eh. must JIA YOU and make him understand. thats wad TRI teach me! HUGS!!

and to ALFRED LEONG WAH KOK. baby, thanks for these past 3 wks for everything. esp i was sick for so long and you've been there regardless day/night for me. thanks sending me to clinics for my appts and even in the middle of e night and thanks for all the concern and love u showered on me!!! and even thanks for not letting me have so much of food that i was craving for. LOL. anyway, thanks u so much baby! LOVES!!!

♥ posted
4/21/2010 01:32:00 PM

Apr 20, 2010

PPL!!! i have removed my stitches! weee!!! but something bad happened before that. on my way back to wc i was having some really bad tummy ache. den while waiting for my food i was in terrible pain till i cant take it so decided to rush over to e clinic beside the hawker center. while i was walking, suddenly my vision went blur and then i BLACK OUT. -.-" luckily BELL was beside me and pull me up right away, if not i guess my face is a goner by now. cos i was about to fall flat on my face! *phew* if not would have personally disfigure myself man. den he helped me to e clinic and carried me to the treatment room. the doctor said i was having gastric pain and not stomachache. -.-'and prescribe some med for me and rest for about 1/2 hr before i left e clinic. omg. i gave BELL such a bad shock man. *very sorry bout it* den din go back to get the food and drive to wlds instead. went to the dental to get my stitches removed and had dinner before gg hm.
den BELL started scolding me and this and that. dun allow me to take this and that. *sigh* sad man. but i know its for my own good. well. got to control and endure a bit.

♥ posted
4/20/2010 12:58:00 PM

Apr 18, 2010

HAPPY 240TH DAYS to me and ALWK ~!!

well. time really flies. a blink and we've been tgt for 8 mnths alrdy. hahaha. hmm. slept over at wc last nite. woke up by kok arnd 9+. so washed up and went down for breakfast. and these 2 days its seems like we really really can eat. we went to have dim sum for breakfast, we ordered 7 dishes we cleaned everything out man! lol.
we've decided to stay hm for movies today as can't afford to spend any more $$$ cause we're kinda tight le. =((. so got to stay at hm today and nua.. hahaha. but nvm. *endure for e sake of TW!!* BYE... last day to rest and den starting wrk again. =(( and tml is e dae for me to go and remove my stiches! =)

♥ posted
4/18/2010 12:41:00 PM

well.. just ignore all e last post frm me. *e one before this* due to somethings for my skins so i need to psot all these. hahaha. and finally the layout all that is done~! and i am only left with the header. but that can only be done cos the photos are all at my pc. well... kinda please with this skin cos i personally change all the colors and add the stuffs and info i wanted . so extra credit to myself.. wahahahah.

♥ posted
4/18/2010 12:43:00 AM

Apr 17, 2010

















♥ posted
4/17/2010 11:40:00 PM

hello hello hello. i m back to update u guys !! LOL.
1504, thurs-
met up with e ANGEL n co. for DEX's bdae celebration at e JURONG sportshall for sakura buffet dinner and went over to jurong safra for some k session till 1+ and shared a cab hm with ANGEL while KOK n JUN left in another. slept arnd 2+? omg. super TIRED.
1604, fri-
first of all , HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEX LIN MINGYI~!!!!!!!!
ok.. after wrk bused over to wc ALONE. met KOK at e hawker centre and packed dinner back. DEX reached arnd 830 den we went over to bedok jetty and met up with NICH and off to find a spot. then, the guys went busy with their rods while i idled arnd.den the rest reached arnd 10+11? fished and waited frm 10+ all e way till 3+ and finally got a BIG catch! wow. it was super exciting man. cos we were talking and out of a sudden, DEX's rod flew and nearly lost e rod , luckily there was fence! then KOK fought with it for about 10-15 mins and then with e help of others at e jetty, fnally the fish was up! it was BIG man! it was a catfish and think it weighs arnd 5kg. woho~~! den all e way till 7+ nothing else than small taman fish was caught. we packed up and left arnd 8. went fot MAC breakfast and sent DEX n his fish hm den backed to wc and frm 12 slept all e way till 7+.

1704, sat *today* woke up arnd 7+. initally meeting KEE for dinner but me n KOK overslept so went for our own dinner instead. went to have zichar and i finally get to eat my FRIED UDON~!!! yeah! we order a fried udon, a prawn paste chicken, kailan and a seafood soup. and guess wad? we finished everything. LOL ~! woho! some good appetite we have man. LAUGHS. well, its a sat night today, but we're staying at hm to slack cos we've got no programme. thats kinda sad eh? sigh. wad to do....

♥ posted
4/17/2010 10:02:00 PM

Apr 14, 2010

once again. i m back to update my blog. time flies. its e 4th day of e week. 2 more days to the weekend. yippeee~! think this friday BELL n me will be going fishing again cause recently his lil' fav hobby urgue keeps urging him. *laughs* can u image, ytd we were on our way back to west coast, at the bus stop the urge of fishing shot him~! and he told me " I FEEL LIKE FISHING !!!" and i was like " erm.. ok, we go fishing then." his eyes lit and answered me"today?" den i was like " crazy??!! friday lah. how are we able to go today whereby both of us will be working tml??!!" LOL. he's really getting funnier each day. *laughs* so decided most probably we'll be going fishing again this friday. but i was thinking, i m sure be bored to hell cause i dunnoe how to fish. BELL said he's gonna teach me how to fish so next time whenever he wanna go fishing i wouldnt be bored. hmmm.....
anyway, enough bout fishing. if i really get bored i still have got my ITOUCH to keep me occupy. HAHA. recently my girls are all so busy with work man. TRI and KEE is having OT almost everyday and even to the extend to working on SAT. *sigh* that makes me feel even more bored!! ANGEL is also working on SATs to. *hmmmhmmm* why everyone seems so busy with work man. even my SIS!! she's not bugging me to go shopping anymore due to work. then i was thinking, how come i m not busy at all? i only feel busy during working hrs thats all. and after 6 i will be done and go hm. this kind of feeling makes me feel SLACK. lol. well, maybe i used to work at least 10 hrs a day and now its time for me to REST.. haha.
talking bout rest, i still feel that i am not resting enough whereas BELL asked if i have slp too much. my body still feels weak. and i m still coughing man. *sigh big time* really hope to recover really soon man. i m so sick of eating medicine. the amount of medicine i m taking is more than the amount of rice i m putting in to my body man! *shake head* time for me to stop blogging...

♥ posted
4/14/2010 01:05:00 PM

Apr 11, 2010

i'm back~! YUPP. its 6 in the evening. and i just woke up and i m the first to wake up cos i slept enuff. LOL. we *KOK,ME,JUN,ANGEL n DEX* went fishing at changi bistro lazt night!!
10th apr-
woke up arnd 2+ ? prepared ourselves and went dwn to grab some lunch before heading over to sheng siong to buy the food and bait. den prepared everything till 6+ den we are finally ready to leave for changi. omg. waste so much time man. so double AJS cabbed over to bistro and we found a nice spot once we reach there. its was the exact same spot we went pinic on 2nd apr. LOL. so settled ourselves over at the spot and the guys started to pitch the tents etc.
it didnt take long to wait for the tent to be ready, so we unpack the stuff and get e guys to start the fire. after that the guys went to get busy with their rods while me n angel tried to get some food ready for them.
dex joined us arnd 12 or so... i was so sleepy all night so i was like, eat n slp. LOL. couldnt control myself cos didnt slp much the previous night as was having mj. so i guess arnd 2+ i started kinda to SLEEP my way till 7am this morning and me n angel was awake due to the CATS arnd us!!! scary. u image u are slping in the tent while just beside u is the cat neowing.. *faint big time* and there is only layer of cloth that is keeping us apart!! LOL. how scacry is that?
we called for cab and then we started packing up all the stuff. it was kinda fun, afterall its the 1st time me and BELL go fishing overnight camping etc tgt so its a really nice memory for e both of us. =))

♥ posted
4/11/2010 05:59:00 PM

Apr 9, 2010

pls ppl. bare with the current skin till i seek for help. LOL.

wooow~! i m back. guess wad? i am super bored of skin le. time to change it once again.. hmmm... later shld spent some time in choosing my skin instead of playing games all e time.
well, guess wad? i've been sick for 2 wks. and i m on mc for 2 wks straight. *faint* from 30th mar till 9th apr. i went to work on last monday and ytd and the rest of the days i am on mc... lol. it seems like my illness cant be cure cos i've slpless nights. so my body still cant fully recover and w/o sufficient rest my body cant get rid of the germs... for the 1st wk i was dwn with, sore thoart, fever, bad cough and flu. e 2nd wk? i went to remove my wisdom tooth on the monday thus my fever came back and my cough got worst. LOL. cant believe it man. currently i am still down with bad bad cough and bad rashes. wad else could be worse man. hahaha.
anyway, went pinic on gd fri - 2nd apr. had quite a lot of fun over there. i only have some photos on the way there so will only upload those.
this is TERRY~!
and thats me n ZAC~!

den on the 4th apr went over to united sq for buffet with AJs, LENE n KEL. TRI & ZW din join cos ZW had some dinner on. after hi-tea buffet went over to vivo to meet up with TRI for movie " WHEN IN ROME" at 7pm. nice movie *thumbs up!!* after movie we all took bus back to wc to get the car and went for dinner/supper = prata!!! they have *thumbs up* butter prata over there. u guys shld go try it out.
5th apr- my wisdom tooth gone day. i was in such high spirits after removing my wisdom and decayed tooth which had made me sleepless and painful nights. *hahaha* even BELL n NICH was shock why am i so happy when i shld be feeling sore and painful esp after the op. well, as for me situation, i didn't get much pain after my op just had a few days of fever. was consider lucky thing for me becos i cant take pain and the saddest thing i am allergy to painkillers which will even kill me more. so it was like *phew*
9th apr-
went to wrk ytd, and bad rashes came so decided not to go wrk today( as i was still kinda "high" due to the drowsiness med) and since i m still cover with mc so just be it. *grins* woke up arnd 8+9 am? pack up my closet and did some housechores and prepared myself out to meet BELL for brunch. lalala. gonna rest n rest more today. later at night we are planning to go over to IMM gaint to get some stuff for fishing tml night over at changi bistro. *cross fingers* and pray that it wouldnt rain in the night. well.. guess that will be it. be bck soon for more updates.. LOVES!

♥ posted
4/09/2010 02:31:00 PM