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Dec 31, 2009

its the last day of the yr so i m gg to make an effort for a short update before i go get some rest. today half day of wrk. which was so last min de lor. at 1pm den they release the news saying today is a half day. >.< but happy anyway. so hurry pack up my stuff and left the office and came over to wc.. later we will be heading dwn to club ALANTIS to celebrate new yr. gonna be my first time there as well as for the ppl that are gg with me. and guess there's quite lot of ppl celebrating this new yr tgt this yr so wait for my updates of photos to see who i celebrated my new yr with. best wishes ppl! a new year ahead and all the best in everything. yeah! will be back to update next yr!!! LOL... caresss...

♥ posted
12/31/2009 03:53:00 PM

Dec 28, 2009

went over to jp again. cos this time round JIE wanna go shpping so me n BELL accied her lor. and can u guys image that we actually spent 7 hrs over at jp and we still cant finish shpping. LOL. these 2 days keep shopping lor. omg.. really have to control and tighten up alrdy.. cos i will be declaring broke soon. ytd bought rings, slippers, compact powder. and today a dress and 2 skirts.. omg.. shopping spree man. well, i guess the 3 of us gt something at the end of the day. BELL= a levis bag, a levis shirt and a mouse pad. JIE= a blouse, 2 tees and her earphones. and even ZAC have something too. we went to get him a bed. LOL. but he's still nt using it yet...den accied BELL to have dinner before gg hm. and he sent me hm and in the end he's too tired to go hm.. LOL.. tired day man.

my ZAC
my present
his present

went to wrk and den met BELL and mum up for lunch den shop awhile and back to my place to shower and accied BELL hm to change too. we bought our couple ring le. hehehe. my christmas present=couple necklaces his christmas present=couple ring. all done! hahaha. den waited for JIE cabbed over to fetch us up over to butterfactory to celebrate REBECCA NG JIA MIN's 20th bdae.. left arnd 2.. went for supper before heading hm..

june n tri
june n zw
june and cindy
june and fen
june n rina
june n alfred
june n reb

♥ posted
12/28/2009 11:16:00 PM

Dec 26, 2009

morning ppl. its sat morning.. and i haf to wrk.. booo. hope it will end early. slept very late last night. arnd 3+.. and i woke up arnd 9+ which was an hr earlier to the time i ser for my alarm. omg. something is so wrong. has been slpin nt much lately... anyway today gonna be a busy day for me. after wrk haf to go clementi for badminton. aftermath rush hm to shower den rush dwn to butter factory to celebrate REB's bdae... yawn... i can predict i willl die of exhuastion by midnight. lol. well...till further updates... cares ppl.

♥ posted
12/26/2009 10:13:00 AM

my christmas eve..
went hm to change and went over to ssp for dinner with the grp of ppl and went over to cocoon to celebrate our christmas. it was quite fun and after knwing TANG AILING for so many yrs this is the first yr i ever celebrated christmas with her. LOL. after that was hm sweet hm....

thats me and BELL with our christmas hat..

my christmas...
went over to jp to eat and meet up with the rest for SHERLOCK HOLMES. its a nice movie so ppl can go and catch it in the cinema. went shppin for my christmas present from BELL too. yeah! and we got our couple necklaces le. forgot to take photo of it. nvm will take it soon and post it up to show u guys. went to get REB's present too.. sigh sighh... acutally i was uploading all my photos into the com so i can upload and change my skins. but i did a wrong thing to my phone and lost ALL MY CONTACTS~! *sigh* really have no mood for anything else.... BOO~!!
ratings : 4/5 *thumbs up*

♥ posted
12/26/2009 01:50:00 AM

Dec 24, 2009

23rd dec-
last night LENE cant join us for our bitches xmas dinner. so left with ANGEL, AL n me. went straight to vivo to meet them after wrk. and one sway thing, my pumps opened mouth. =(. so gt to spend money again. so went arnd shopping for my shoes before we carry on with any things. after getting my new pair of heels, went over to QUEEN & MANGOSTEEN for dinner , gift exchange and chill out. and as usual, loads of gossipping. after dinner went over to cocoon for somemore drinking and KANGKANG n JANET was there too. BELL, JUN & AHGER joined us later. aftermath was hm sweet hm.

24th dec-
yeahhh. XMAS EVE! half day at wrk. gt some christmas presents from the head of diff departments. hahaha. den skipped xmas lunch at the office and back to wc to meet BELL and cooked maggie instead. wahaha. gg to meet up for xmas dinner over at sunshine place before gg over to cocoon for some drinks. bye ppl! HAVE A NICE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!


♥ posted
12/24/2009 04:20:00 PM

Dec 22, 2009

we went over to JP after dinner at jurong safra and we went into challenger and played with the webcam. and BELLBELL was the model of the day. wahahaha. so funny. we had so much fun till the promoter over there couldnt take it and came over to ask whther we needed any help. lol.
anyway, share some photos of BELL with u guys. wahahhaa.

after wrk met up with BELL and went over to the supermarket to get some stuffs and came straight home as today 过冬 den mummy cooked dinner so me and BELL rushed hm for dinner. hahaha. well. times flies man. 2 more wks and 2009 will come to an end alrdy. omg. wow. anyway, me and BELL celebrated our 120th day at genting. hahaha. something different man. hmm. this fri is christmas and next fri will be nw year alrdy. hope all of ya have a MERRY CHRISTMAS n a HAPPY NEW YEAR. anyways, me and my mum also played with our webcam at hm. WAHAHA. took some funny photos too. but dun wanna share with u guys. =p.

♥ posted
12/22/2009 09:13:00 PM

Dec 21, 2009

wow. i m back from genting alrdy. and i m dead tired so skipped work today. went to take mc at ssp den went over to wm to meet BELL for lunch and got some stuff den back to wc. had loads of fun at genting the the crazy group of ppl. didnt took much photos frm my phone and the photos taken are all with TRI's cam. so she will update them in fb. tired... later meeting ANGEL, JUN, TRI n KEE for cheap sushi dinner at jurong safra. hahaha... alr, back to rest first. byee...

♥ posted
12/21/2009 02:06:00 PM

Dec 17, 2009

weee. its past 12 so its 17th dec alrdy. which means tml we're gg to genting alrdy! hahaha. went over to BELL's wrkplace to help them do some recordings after wrk. aftermath went back to wc to grab his stuff and over to my place to fetch ZAC and sent him over to my mum's fren place as we're gg up to genting n no one is hm to take care of him. hope that he will be alr over there. den went for dinner/supper den back hm. hmmm. just doing a quick update and off to bed soon. cares ppl.

♥ posted
12/17/2009 01:25:00 AM

Dec 15, 2009

first of all,

weee~! its TUESDAY alr. omg. time flies man. 3 more days to genting... we'll be organising MJ the night before which is on the thursday night.
something ridiculous happened at wrk ytd. when i went back to wrk after the weekend, usually the first thing every morning i will check my mails. guess wad i found out???? someone acutally used my EMAIL over the weekend and sent a RIDICULOUS email to one of my colleague! with the title of "I HEARD SOMEONE BADMOUTH YOU". faint man. the the details in the email was even more crazy lor. its like i am alwas alone during wrk and i never did and never get into their stupid policties among them and i alwas shun evenever someone near me tried to get me involve in their conversation and something like that happened! and the worst thing, it was nt sent from my wrk pc. and was being sent online. that BLOODY IDIOT practically used me as bridge !!!! sighs. shake head. i was so angry, that IDIOT was so damn rude. and that is actually breaching the law man. omg. i really dunnoe how else to comment on this man. will leave to the IT to investigate. *shake heads*

went over to queensway with BELL after work earlier on. and i saw the ADIDAS jacket i wanted and it was so cheap!!!! close to $30 off frm the original price. omg. and i couldnt help it so i got the jacket. *laughs* and BELL get a ADIDAS jacket too. although we couldnt get similar designs but did desperately tried to look for. eventually got same brand and the closest design we could find. and omg the price was really cheap for 2 ADIDAS jacket! felt so happy with it. hahahha. HAPPY DAY~!

3 more days to go...

♥ posted
12/15/2009 11:00:00 PM

Dec 13, 2009

wooohooo. i m back forr update.
fri-had mj with tri n kee n kok. happy. played till arnd 6+.
slept till 1+. woke up to prepare and went over to wc to grab the badminton stuff. weee! went for badminton with sis n ahger till 7 and went for dinner. went back to wc to shower and met with jun n ahger(yup. again) and cabbed dwn to cocoon and met up with angel and lene and went for some drinking session till 3+
met up with tri n zw to have lunch at lot1 den bused dwn to HAW PAR VILLA. n after that went over to IKEA. then shop arnd and went over to ABC hawker for dinner den cabbed back to wc. so nw i m at wc waiting for angel at wc. over at IKEA just suddenly felt that the feeling is so right. and its the first time i had such feeling towards someone. hmmm. guess its really a good news. LOL.
i hope that we can get our couple jacket real soon man. *pray hard* laughs.

counting to 5 more days!!!

♥ posted
12/13/2009 08:55:00 PM

Dec 9, 2009

omg. i've neglected my blog for too many days alrdy.
went over to sim lim before heading down to tanjong pagar for sushi dinner to celebrate WINNIE YAM'S advanced bdae celebration and went over to cocoon and AHGER,JULIAN n SAMUEL*i think* joined us. and drank till 2 went hm sweeet hm .
woke up arrnd 2+ had lunch and started off with clearing my hse. BELL worked so hard. lol. and arnd evening went over my aunt's place for dinner and also to visited my popo.
yippeee. mummy cooked so went hm for dinner but wasnt feeling welll.. sad. having slight fever and off to bed arnd 9+. and one very sad news, I LOST MY WORKPLACE'S STATIONERY KEY !!!! omg.
after wrk back to wc to wait for ANGEL n JUN before dwn to TRI's grandpa's wake. stayed till 1+ as we're playin mj. den cabbed hm with ANGEL n JIMMMMIIII.
i m back at wc. waitin for ANGEL as usual. dunnoe whther later gg to wlds there anot. anyway, think i'm having diarrhea*i dunnoe hw to spell la* ... sad... byyyyee...

my condolenes to TRICIA n FAMILY.

counting dwn to 9 more days. !!!

♥ posted
12/09/2009 08:27:00 PM

Dec 4, 2009

its weekend ppl~! its 1145pm nw. and i m very tired... i wannna go hm...i m still waiting for BELL to get ready! well just watch 2012 and its a very very nice show. touched to tears. i want MY SISTER'S KEEPER!... went to book the badminton court for next sat. and ppl if wanna join pls contact me. tml gonna go over sim lim to look for sista to sell off hp. *cos i m broke le* byebye to w595... den sun bian look arnd for BELL's computer parts before meetin up with the rest for dinner to celebrate WINNIE YAM's bdae dinner. welll.... back to update soon. byeeeeee....

♥ posted
12/04/2009 11:41:00 PM