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Sep 30, 2009

wow. its WEDNESDAY alr. so fast. ahaha. more days to go. wooohoo~! well. came back hm straight after wrk today. lalala. mummy got cook so had dinner at hm today. hahaha. decided to go for pasta tml night and sushi on fri over at TPY. so far. lol. and pls pple. dun blame me. it was BELL who suggested it alr. lalalala. ms XU CUIFEN u better make urself appear for dinner hor.

♥ posted
9/30/2009 09:48:00 PM

Sep 29, 2009

weee. i'm finally back to update le. wahahahha. i'm so tired. cos i've been waking up so early everyday~! well. wrk was ok as time passes quite fast. hmmm. BELL have been very sweet as he had been fetching me from wrk these 2 days. hahaha. ytd went over to railway mall to have a dinner celebration for my first day of wrk with KEE, BELL, MUM, JIE n DI. heehee. had really good food. omg. the food there is forever so nice. wahahaha. den bused back hm and fell asleep real early lor. just nw went over to wm with BELL n KEE for dinner and walked arnd and then KEE send me hm by cab. forever so nice of her. thanks~! people, lets meet up on fri for dinner alr? we go have sushi ba. dun want steamboat le. as everytime eat steamboat very sick of it alrdy. hahahha. miss me people.

oh ya. heard from KEE u meet up with her that day. heard that u're wrking retail now. so JIA YOU eh. but also heard something bad too. u're getting more and more skinny~! and u bloody hell have something arnd ur eyes~! pls. wake up eh. cares.

♥ posted
9/29/2009 09:25:00 PM

Sep 26, 2009

i'm back ppl. and i've got 1 very good news to share with everyone


yes ppl, pls congraulate me and feel happy for me. wahahahaha. it will be at redhill and wrking hrs is from 9-6 and mon-fri. weeeweee~~!
hmm. ytd acc BELL to shp for his bag and earpieces and then back to my hse for mj till 5+ with MUM n KEE.and MUMMY was the biggest winner. she won all my chips over lor. which is a total of 150 bucks. sadden. *sighsigh* den BELL slept over my place last night.today we went over to my dad's place for my "niece" baby NICOLE's 1st bdae arnd 5+ and then left arnd 8+ back to wc. and yes, so now i over at wc. so tired esp after eatin so much over at there. went over to sheng siong just nw and got some fruits juices and yogurts to help with digestions. and then saw my HAGEN DAZ ice cream. and we got 2 tubs of it as couldnt decide on which flavour and so BELL said get both instead. wee wee. happy. cos had this craving for HAGEN DAZ ice cream for very long alrdy. and in the afternoon still mention bout it and at night could have it alrdy. simply happy. lalalala. but sad to say din went over to MEIYU's there to celebrate with her as it was too late for me to go over alrdy. but still,


♥ posted
9/26/2009 09:48:00 PM

Sep 25, 2009

that day was slacking at hm so very bored so asked JIE n KEE out to wm for dinner than aftermath back to place and waited for BELL to come over and had mj.
ytd went to wm to meet BELL and acc him for BK and had some snacks. and then shop awhile and bused back to wc. and waited for AJs to pack for us dinner and slacked till 11+ and cabbed hm with ANGEL.
and finally today is FRIDAY. lol. learned from KEE de. well, ytd watched a show and kept showing ZHU CHANG FEN and now really have the urge for it lor. omg. craving for it... =( anyway, 1 more week to my last pay day from JEAN YIP. hahaha. happy. today's programme. most pro will be gg over to QUEENWAYs to acc BELL shop shop and aftermath is back to my place for mj....lalala. till here.

♥ posted
9/25/2009 02:31:00 PM

Sep 23, 2009

wellwell. woke up 9+ today for interview. omg. a sucky interview and i really feel that just a waste of my time and nth else lor. u guys know wad? the dentist even commented that

he:i think that u're just INDECISIVE

omg. can u believe that? he even said those stupid things.

he: since u alrdy taken hair dressing course den hw come wanna change? and what makes u think u can make it for this job?
me:what makes you think i cant make it for this job? who are u to say i cant?

omg. can u guys believe it? image me in there? really feel like smacking his own shaggy face so much lor. such a stuck up guy. omg. and guess hw's the pay like?900-1000 omg. so miserable lor. no diff from the past lor. even if they employ me i also dun want lor. omg. after iinterview went to look for mummy for lunch and complained to her, BELL as well as FEN. omg. funny lor.

♥ posted
9/23/2009 04:30:00 PM

Sep 22, 2009

21st sept- went over to WM with BELL to get some stuff and had BK for bruch. ohmigod. he finished 11/2 burger by himself ~! one double whopper and 1/2 of my whopper. LOL. not forgetting the fries and onion rings... then bused back and had mj with KEE,FEN n JIE all the way till 2+ midnight man. more than 12 hrs of mj. wah. happy lor. wahahha.
22nd sept-
was suppose to go for interview today but forgot to do my resume so called in to change it to tml. den omg. have to reach by 12. sians. out of a sudden i'm sick once again. *diao* anyway, BELL came over to find me after he finished wrk and then acc me dwn to sunshine for the doc to have a look at my image before tml's interview. funny right? as i only went in and less than 1 min i'm out alrdy.den went over 216 to meet AJ for dinner and then hm sweet hm.

♥ posted
9/22/2009 11:50:00 PM

Sep 20, 2009

this is a montage dvd did by BELL for me that time and he just helped me uploaded into my blog. ytd KEE,FEN n JOEL came over to the LEONG's to play mj so in the end me n ANGEL stayed over for the night. well. nth much to update as well. till here.

♥ posted
9/20/2009 11:17:00 AM

Sep 19, 2009

this is done by AIAI for me and BELL de 1st mnth.
so sweet of her right. wahahaha. THX AIAI~! mwark-

an update before gg back to sleep. went over to clementi's BOTAK JONS for dinner with BELL before back to wc to slack. den waited for ANGEL to be back from BQ and left at 3+ back hm.
woke up very early and went to "work" with mum. and had another interview with my mum's boss and he decided to send me to the dental side to wrk as an asst. and asked me to send him my CV after the interview and helped me arranged for another interview with the dental area on next tues. and there was one thing he wanted me to change was for me to dress up and not with those blackie colours. and he expect me to be wearing white, yellow or PINK. omg. definately no no to PINK lor. *laughs* hm to grab some stuffs and went over to clementi to meet ANGEL and bused to wc. lalala. bye-.

♥ posted
9/19/2009 03:48:00 PM

Sep 18, 2009

today is the 18th~! and its the first 30 days after being offically for me and bell. hahaha. so today gg to spend the rest of the day with him alone? most prob. laughs.
hey sweetie, HAPPY 1ST MONTH! i know u're very blessed to have me by ur side*everyone also agree* and for me? at times is not blessed lor. *laughs* but still enjoying with you by side for now. *hahahaha* and for u, u are to treat me even more good. dote on me more than before and love me more than before too~! hahaha. see ya later sweetie.

17th sept-
went over to plaza to get my commission and went over to wc to fetch BELL and bused dwn to bp once again . met the girls for dinner and all of us having some problem with the cat lor. wah. so damn irritating. wah lao. and due to the stupid cat i even teared a bit lor. omg. but the dinner was saved as we really couldnt take it alrdy and shifted table. lol. cos REBS n BELL also tired. REBS=running away from the cat. BELL= to chase away the cat. lol. funny lor. but after all guess we still enjoy the dinner as we all had really good laughs. aftermath was hm sweet hm.

♥ posted
9/18/2009 12:10:00 PM

Sep 17, 2009

*edited! uploaded with more photos!

-corns eaten by me and tri. and while eating she kept looking at hw i'm eating my corn lor~! LOL~!

trained dwn to bugis with KEE to meet up with TRI,ANGEL,JUN n WINNIE for steamboat dinner. BELL din join us as he was having liondance. had some really good laugh during dinner due to the conversation between the both cousins(WINNIE n TRI). bth them lor. after dinner parted with the rest and bused back hm with KEE n TRI.

its been 2 days since i last saw him and is missing him loads. ass. make me miss him so much. *ahhhh~!*gonna make him suffer for making me miss him. wahaha. anyways, these past weeks hadnt been that smooth for him. poor him so pray hard *fingers crossing* that things will change for the better. and i know it will. *believing in it* sweetie, JIA YOU JIA YOU~! be strong eh~!

♥ posted
9/17/2009 12:39:00 AM

Sep 15, 2009

done by BELL. nice right? hahaha

wweee~!! finally done with my new blogskin. hahaha. well. today will be spending the my day at hm. nan de. hahaha. so tired. still feeeling kinda moody but was better then ytd night. well well. till here. pls enjoy viewing my blog. lalalala-
well. guess BELL had a nt that good day and din feel good for him either. but as life is filled with ups and dwns so be strong and bare with it alr sweetie? *JIA YOU~!* and i'll definately be there for you alr. *hugs*
and guess wad pple? i am hm the whole day today. just finished changing fen's skin for her. dunnnoe why errors always pops out as usual. god. anyway, its done. omg. had such a boring day today. gg crazy soon. and just now out of a sudden i remembered the days we*the sabai kakis* used to had. drinking and clubbing and getting all high EVERY weekend. and now? every weekend is only movies and boyfriends. omg. way to healthy and really missed those days. so texted my ladies and asked for a meet up/gathering soon and all get DDD tgt. omg. and yes, as usual, agreeing replies from them. hahaha. so, we'll been gg to club and get DDD next mnth. wahahha. so happy and definately looking forward to it~! yeah~! see ya babes next mnth as this mnth all so BROKE. lol.

♥ posted
9/15/2009 05:42:00 PM

went over to IMM with KOK today to check the pricing of diff phones and sub fees. intially so tempted to get e71 and i even told ANGEL i would order the red color *cos its OFS* but after looking arnd. some other gadgets caught my attention too. which is HTC MAGIC n SAMSUNG JET and guess wad. they are even cheaper den the nokia phone. *tsk tsk* have to reconsider. aftermath met ANGEL n JUN for dinner and went over to the LEONGs for dvd. watched "dance flick" and hm sweet hm. and dunnnoe wad the hell was wrong with me so god damm moodless and it sucked . guess its pms. just really HATE it~!

♥ posted
9/15/2009 01:24:00 AM

Sep 14, 2009

was lazy to update my blog ytd. lol. anyways, AIAI fetch me ytd after her haircut and we cabbed over to wc to find the LEONGs. waited for them to get prepared and went for dinner before heading dwn to vivo to meet TRI n ZW for movie. acutally wanted to catch the 640 show but was too rush as TRI n ZW couldnt make it in time so got the one at 900. watch "blood ties" . well it was an alr show. no much comments ba. aftermath hm sweet hm .

Photobucket and people. i purposly took this photo is cos i wanna let u guyss know. my BELL is alwas self-praising his own leg saying his leg is very SEXY n MANLY

♥ posted
9/14/2009 12:28:00 PM

Sep 13, 2009

wellwell. went over to tam with JIE in the afternoon and met up with aunt, SERENE n SHIRLEY for dinner at F.I.S.H by FISH&CO. kinda turned off as they were "eyeing" on us while we were having our dinner as they were so scared that we might share the buffet salad. duh~. aftermath went to HAAGEN DAZ for ice cream~! yeah yeah. and then went back to clementi and BELL fetched me and back to e LEONGs. actually meeting TRI n ZW with AJs for "g-force" but cancelled as ZW needed to wrk OT so slacked over there. halfway thru, AIAI and DADA went dwn to 7-11 to get BENnJERRYS' ice cream. hahaha. i had the strawberry cheesecake flavour. yumyum~! very sinful. lol. slack till 3+ and hm sweet hm. just took some medicines and now waiting for the 'cake' and 'effect' of the med...loves and cares people.PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

♥ posted
9/13/2009 04:22:00 AM

Sep 12, 2009

10th sept-
went over to marina sqaure with double AJs for yuki yaki dinner and last min LAOGONG joined due to PRECIOUS GAL put her alone and went over to tampiness to meet her bf. and LG din wanted to join so had dinner tgt. after dinner went over to fort rd there to chill till 1+ and hm sweet hm. so sick.... >.<.
later will be gg over to tampiness to meet my aunt and cousins for dinner before gg to marina to meet up with the rest for movie. "G-FORCE~!" yeah yeah. omg. feeling more and more sick lor.

♥ posted
9/12/2009 02:01:00 PM

Sep 11, 2009

omg. happy. finally my photos are all uploaded! hahaha. and its at an acceptable size. lol . all thanks to AIAI as she show me which code to copy n paste. lalalala. happy la. anyways. wednesday i was such a good girl. after interview came hm straight and din go out at all. slept arnd 11+ wahahaha. early right? indeed was a o9o9o9 memory of life lor. lol
10th sept-
woke up at 630 to give BELL morning call. and went back to sleep. lalala. *i m such a SWEET girlfriend.* hahaha. and he's touched. cause i'm nt feeling well and i still made the effort to wake up and just to wake him up. hahaha. ok. enough of self-praise. went over sengkang to visit my nephew and my aunt. wah. tiring sia. throughout the journey there i need to change 4 times of train and the whole journey is arnd 2 hrs lor. omg. left arnd 3+ and travel back to dover to meet up with BELL and back to his place for dinner and dvd marathon. feeling really sick all over. *sad* watched "the confession of a SHOPACHOLIC" and "the last house on the left" nice shows. aftermath hm sweet hm.

♥ posted
9/11/2009 11:47:00 AM

Sep 9, 2009

7th sept-lalala. was at hm the whole day and waited for KEE to come over before gg over to the gym over at bt gombak sports hall with her and JIE for some exercise. haha. wow. me and KEE nearly blacked out as its been yrs since we last exercise man. omg. scaring. BELL came over to fetch us and then went over to sunshine wtith dinner and then went over to 302 to meet AIAI n DA for dinner. and hm sweet hm.
8th sept-
went over lot1 with BELL to elaine for abit and though was short but it was a nice simple meet up. hahaha. accied BELL for his dinner before he sent me dwn to vivo to meet up the ladies. dinner at sushi tei with ANGELINE WONG, TRICIA THAM AND WINNER YAM. ahaha. and there was flash lights here and there lol. as its a very common process. CAM-WHORING. hahaha. after dinner went over to E JEWEL BOX for some chilling with the ladies and additional of 3 guys-BELL,DA n GERALD. den it was hm sweet hm.
9th sept-
woke up at 7+ today. wow. so early right? prepared myself and left hm arnd 830 to redhill for my interview. and i was so early lor. the interview suppose to be at 10 and i reached before 930 so finished my interview before 10 lor. LOL. and hm straight. today's programme? most pro gym will be cancelled as JIE need to get somethings so most probably will be joining her and her friends for some shopping. well, do hope i get the job. lol. if i get the job, it will be my 1ST OFFICE JOB lor. lol and me, JIE n MUM will nt only be staying under one roof and will be even wrking under 1 freaking roof. *quoted by JIE* lol.

♥ posted
9/09/2009 12:17:00 PM

Sep 7, 2009

5th sept-
went over for bruch at 302 with BELL n AIAI den went over to wc. slept and slack till 8+ and went over to cine for dinner and movie (FINAL DESTINATION 4 *3D*) with the NIE's family and CALVIN, ZW n JIE. in total 12 ppl for that movie. and there were 4 couples for that night. lol. lalala. after movie 4 couples went over to dempsy hill for some chilling at BEN N JERRYS'. left arnd 2 and hm sweet hm. and guess what? something is gg on between BELL n ZW. lol.
6th sept-
met AJs arnd 12+ went over to 216 for brunch before gg in to JB. omg. there was a heavy jam lor. thus, reached JB arnd 4. AIAI n me went for our mani n pedi and we left BELL n DA to walk arnd. finished our service arnd 6 and went to grab some burgers and accied BELL to buy his sandles and went to get some DVDs back. din have time for my own shopping. *sad* went to collect MDM LEONG at 8+ and wow. she's shinning from the head to the boot. nice job done. *round of applauses for the them* and straight off to KULAI for dinner. went to pump up petrol and we're left with arnd 30+ rm and BELL kept asking us to finish spending the RMs so bought some ice creams and drink in the end when leaving KULAI, BELL's "TOUCH n GO" access card dun have enough money . and we're only left with 1RM dollars. in the end we had to pay 10.80 sing dollars then can leave lor. jitao is joke of malaysia lor. who would even think of that to happen leh. BELL is always the joke. joke of causeway custom cause the lady office pronounce his name as LIANG HUA GUO. = 梁花果 instead of 梁华国. wahahaha. and having to pay $10.80 to leave KULAI instead of 10.80RM. LMAO-

♥ posted
9/07/2009 02:25:00 PM