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Jul 29, 2009

well well well. once again, its been a wk since i last updated my blog. had been out everyday after wrk. by the time when i reached hm is wee hrs so impossible to update my blog at all.after a whole night of mj with ALWK, KEE & MUMMY. went for breakfast den back hm once again. and means, nw arnd the time of 7+ i still havent sleep yet.
28th july-
its tues night once. ALWK came to fetch me frm wrk and bought some food from plaza and went over to SSP to fetch JIE den over to KEE's hse to pick her up before returning back hm to start mj session.
27th july-
hm straight after wrk to take a fast shower and changed clothes. BELLBELL*alfred's new nickname frm me* came over to my hse to fetch me and went over to pick AIAI, KEE n ZUNNIE. actually gg over to BT for dinner+supper but a sudden change of plan and went over to ECP for KEE's satay instead.after eating went over to bedok jetty for some walk to help with digestions before headin back hm.
26th july-
ALWK and ZUNNIE came over to fetch me hm to change and picked ANGEL frm westmall . went over to jurong east for dinner+supper. stayed till 1+ and went over to WC . chilled over there and hm arnd 3+. and the night was filled with FUN & LAUGHTERS, PEACE & JOY. lol.
25th july-
after wrk. backed hm straight with ALWK n KEE for mj over my place. aftermath went over to jurong east for breakfast. omg. damn shag.
24th july-
ALWK came over to fetch me frm wrk back hm to shower. went over to fetch AIAI,DEX n PG and went to cine for movie(MURDER). stupid movie. after movie went over to railway for prata supper before heading hm.
23rd july-
hm to change after wrk before heading dwn to chervons for chilling. aftermath went to sabai for awhile as GERALD didnt had enough drinking. hm arnd 4+.
22nd july-
hm throughout the whole day till evening. ALWK came over to fetch me dwn to IMM with AIAI,ZUNNIE & ALWK before heading dwn to chervons for some relax chilling.

♥ posted
7/29/2009 07:24:00 AM

Jul 22, 2009

woo. damn long no update. well. for wed and thurs i with AIAI and co. so can view her blog if wanna knw where i went. and for fri i was dwn at dbl o for AL's bdae celebration. and for sat was movie and mj. sun was at hm sleeping. mon went for movie OBSSESSED with AIAI n co. and ytd went over the paramount with ALWK with his frens. actually was prawning session but changed of plan the very last min. and AIAI was sick so din joined. hm arnd 3lus. well, very lazy to type out in details or upload photos either. hahaha. till here-

♥ posted
7/22/2009 05:55:00 PM

Jul 15, 2009

angel and june
jacky n june
angelinnie, zunnie, junnie, alfriniefishy caught by AIAI snapshot of AIAI nearly being dumped into pond by JACKY LEONG WAH JUN

14th july-
omg, today BPP had power failure arnd 4+ and all the way till arnd 7 the power finally came back lor. but our salon all the way had power on as we're using our own main switch etc. but when the power came back to BPP the air conditioner was being turn off. omg. image the whole shpping mall without air con. hw stuffy it turned. had a hard time at wrk and kept pespiering the whole time. omg. nearly fainted. and in the end really couldnt take it so we finished up arnd 9. went over the CHERVONS to meet up with AIAI, KOKNEI & DEXI. well, i dunnoe why but i really think KOKNEI has gt no fate with CHERVONS la. we were telling DEXI on his SHEMALE thingy and he got really agitated and he even bit of a piece of glass of the wine glass la. WAHAHAHA. OMFG! den the rest of us went laughing off like nobody's business. really couldnt take it la. actually AIAI n me wanted to take dwn photos as evidence to shw arnd but the waitress's action were too fast and cleared away the broken glass before we snapped. LMAO. and thru out the whole chilling session all jokes were on the usual KOKNEI. well, sometimes feel sad for him. =x. aftermath, went over to fetch JACKY and supper before heading dwn to JAP GARDEN for prawning suggested by JOKER OF CHERVONS. had alot of fun during prawning, but fun comes with something. ever heard of no pain no gain? lol. kept being bullied by the 2 LEONG WAH BROTHERS la. stupid. funny thing is during prawning, AIAI caught a small catfish la. LOL. hello. we're prawning and nt fishing. during the prawning session, AIAI n me nearly being throw into the prawn pond by that stupid JACKY LEONG WAH JUN la. omg. stupid guy. and finally ended prawning arnd 5+ and slack over there till 6+ before KOKNEI sent us hm. had so much fun n definately damn loads of LAUGHTER too.
15th july-
reached hm arnd 6+7? prepare myself for sleep, but was still energetic so decided to blog before heading into bed. afterall, its a really nice weather to sleep in. its rainning and so cooling. *LOL* later during evening will be headin over to BP for com and meeting my dear BITCHES before heading dwn to BUGIS for dinner with MUM n co.

♥ posted
7/15/2009 07:57:00 AM

Jul 14, 2009

both ME n FEN on the way dwn to SABAI.

my photo taking session during the period when waiting for ppl's key hm.

yes! happy that my photos can be uploaded la. wahahaha. some photos taken on the sat night. well. after ytd's badminton, my body is aching like hell today la. cant even exert much energy/force. *sighsigh* hmmm. hm straight after wrk den ALWK asked whether wanna go prawn fishing den my reply was, crazy. wahahaha. well, this morning, i did something happy la. on my way to wrk replied to AIAI's msg on wed's meet up with my BITCHES*and plus we bitches havent meet up united for yrs* and even took the effort to text DIMAS LIM AIK LEONG just to irritate him. woho. and i was really satisfied. wahahaha. u guys may think i'm crazy but it worth it. afterall, thats what he did to me too. hmmm. ytd MUM asked me to join her frens and her for dinner this coming wed and said ok. but this morning, AIAI msged me on the BITCHES' MEETING. awww. sad la. stupid company with stupid rules and regulations. and peps arnd me have so much trouble just for 1 dinner. so troublesome. *shake heads*

♥ posted
7/14/2009 12:18:00 AM

Jul 12, 2009

10th july-
went over to balacony for some chilling in the night with PG, LG, AIAI, LENE, AH GONG KONNEI, QI n FREN. nt bad enviroment. had some wars between me n the KOKNEI and luckily AIAI was there to help me la. went over to CLUB RACHARDA to check the place out. well, definately classier then SABAI but also definately much more messier place than SABAI too due to crowd seen over there. aftermath cabbed hm with the ladies.
11th july-
wrk and back hm. and omg, dun have keys into hse la. so waited outside my hse close to 2 hrs. den PG came over and prepared ourselves and cabbed dwn to SABAI to join the rest. well. loads of photos(both glam and UNGLAM) were taken. but dun have it with me. so if interested just press onto ANGELINE WONG'S link to her blog for photo viewing session. and saw loads of familiar faces. it was like gathering for SABAI's old regular customers that night. reach hm arnd 5+.
12th july-
after wrk came back to change and grab some stuffs before heading back to bp to meet up with LG n ZW. bused dwn to CLEMENTI SPORTS HALL to join KOKNEI n DEXNIE for our badminton session. PG put aeroplane again!, woo. had alot of fun and laughters la. wahahha. esp when ZW kept aimming me with the shuttercock and stuffs lilac. cabbed hm after badminton with LG n ZW. hmmm, my arm's muscle are aching after badminton as too long no exercise. well, think gonna have more badminton session with them. 1st, healthier lifestlye. 2nd, can slim dwn. 3rd, can have a lot of fun. wahahha. and well, actually had some photos to upload but somethings seems real wrong. cant upload it in. some others day ba.

♥ posted
7/12/2009 11:49:00 PM

Jul 10, 2009

did went for dinner with the gals last night. hm straight after dinnner. whereby didnt join AIAI, WILLIAM, DEX n ALWK at chervons for chilling as were too shag. well. woke up this afternoon. first thing i did was to logon to fb. and found out someone angelic wrote on my wall with the happening last night and really made my day man. and the joker of the day: ALFRED LEONG WAH KOK. whahahaha. and all ladies wrote their part of story for him. guessed, he shld be so touched and whelling tears by nw. wahahaha. alr, shouldnt make him ps even in blog. in nt there will be KARMA la. lol.

♥ posted
7/10/2009 07:07:00 PM

Jul 9, 2009

8th july-well. its a whole day at hm eventhough its my off day. its also my 1st day of mens. so extra shag. even PG commented that nw my days seems so boring. its wrk and hm. hahaha. agree on that too but dun have much energry or much motivation out too.
9th july-
woot. rashes popped out again. and my right eye is so damn swollen when i woke up lor. had a shock when i saw the lady in the mirror. thus skipped work and went to see doc of med and mc and backed hm once again. still wonderin to join the ladies for dinner anot. super shag.

♥ posted
7/09/2009 03:54:00 PM

Jul 7, 2009

omg. its 6+ in the morning. and i'm awake. all thanks to my stupid brother. being an idiot and waking my mum up for his uniform and making so much noise and woke me up and i cant get back to sleep. argh!!!!!!!!!!! i should still be in lala land if he hadnt made so much noise la. really spoil my day la. wonder hw am i gg to survive the whole day with only 5 hrs+ of sleep. help me~~~~~!
back frm wrk. had a long day at wrk. and was really free and was slacking all the way till arnd 6+ the crowd dashed in like no tml. wrk till quite late lor. but nvm, as tml can sleep the whole day. lol. forgt to add in too, LENE was at plaza ytd so after she got her perfume from BL went for puff before she left. FEN n her sister came for treatment today. didnt had much time to crap with her also. lol.

♥ posted
7/07/2009 07:21:00 AM

Jul 6, 2009

3rd july-
KEE came over to plaza and waited for me to finish and back to my hse. waited for LEONG WAH KOK to reach and started our mj session. woo. frm arnd 11+ all the way till 6+. whoa. really enjoying meh. den they went hm and i went to sleep before wrk.
4th july-
actually having mj. but in the end cancelled. went to RAIN instead with CK, REBS, CIN n FEN. aftermath dwn to shenton way OASIS with FEN as JACKY LEONG WAH JUN called and asked me dwn as damn long no meet le. think arnd more den a yr or so? AIAI, ALFRED LEONG WAH KOK ,DEX n co were there too. JOEL joined and they wanted to drink more. but in the end didnt. den went to had supper instead. and cabbed hm arnd 4+. omg the stupid cab driver nearly drove me insane la. definately gonna complain him la.
5th july-
wrk as usual and plus I'M SICK la. all thanks to CINDY KEE XIN LI . she past her virus to me la. omg. feeling so unwell the whole day. hm straight after wrk and sleep earlier than usual as for the past 2 days=48 hrs. i only slept for 10 hrs nia lor.
6th july-
woke up feeling bad at throat. den wrk as usual. during wrk AIAI msged me bout fri and sat thingy and told her it will have to depend on whether am i feeling better anot lor. finally finished uploading photos to fb. lol. lazy to upload it here. continue here if intersted in those photo - http://www.facebook.com/album.php?page=5&aid=88706&id=598437814#/JUNELIMo6?v=photos

♥ posted
7/06/2009 11:07:00 PM

Jul 3, 2009

30th june-
went hm to change after wrk and cabbed dwn to HALO BAR with AIAI to meet up with GERALD n ALFRED n one of his fren. den chilled over there. and ALFRED was so sway la. kept drinking over 5-10. LMAO. aftermath went over to BT TIMAH *as usual* for late night supper before hm. yeah! payday! LOL-
1st july-
sad. JUNE's over. no longer my mnth. woke up arnd 12. went to prepare and waited for KEE den cabbed dwn to TAKA to meet up with JIE as she wanted to get gift vouchers frm there. met up TRI n ZW den went over to WISMA to send MUM's phone for service aftermath WHEELOCK as TRI wanted to get her addias jacket. but didnt purchase it as she gt fed up waiting for the fitting room. and the end, i fell in love with the older verison and nearly had e urge to get it on the spot. the cutting, material, colour etc was all so perfect. but, i didnt do anything silly. lol *phew*so decided to get it when i gt my commision. walked past SAKAE SUSHI and the grp suddenly had the temptation for it so went in the tea-time buffet. omg. i tried controlling myself as cant have too much food. and luckily i did. went over to BUGIS to meet up with ALFRED first den went over to ILUMA as JIE wanted to grab tickets to for "transformer". accied her till arnd 6+ and went seperate ways. she and her fren went for their movie while the rest of us accied me over to SIM LIM to get some stuffs for my colleagues.finally meet the whole grp up and we started our steamboat dinner arnd 8+9 i guessed. after went to BQ with the grp and drank till 3+? think so. and hm sweet hm and slept arnd 4+
2nd july-
back to wrk as usual and guess wad, time passed so damn fast today. omg. well, actually is because i had a lot of paperwrk stacking up in the drawer waiting to be done so time passed real fast. TRI n KEE came over to plaza and waited for me to finish wrk before we went over to BT TIMAH *yes, prata again* for our dinner. something very funny happened to TRI while she was on her way over to plaza. lol. dun wanna elaborate much on it if nt she's gonna tell me she believe in KARMA once again. LMAO. and ya, so coincidence, saw LEONG WAH KOK went we reach BT TIMAH. and he just finished dinner with his grp of frens. and is heading to HALO BAR. and asked if we wanted to join and we're like hahaha, we want food and nt alcohol, beer. after dinner, TRI cabbed hm first. KEE n me were too full so decided to walk dwn the road to help with digestion. we were chatting all the way frm BEAUTY WORLD there and finally walked till we reached FEN's hse there when i finally felt tired so we hoped into a cab and ended our walking session. LMAO. well. there's photo taken for the past few days. but kinda lazy to upload, so will upload when i'm that lazy. *smiles* well, think lastest by new week.

♥ posted
7/03/2009 01:33:00 AM