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Apr 29, 2009

ytd met up with VER n ANGEL down to sabai once again. and ANGEL told me something and sighs . dun ever wish to talk bout it. and really mean it. saw AH HENG at sabai when we're bout to leave. told me he saw "him" the day before and i was like so? den cabbed hm with the girls. so much memories flashbacks at sabai. really hurting. and it doesnt feel good eventhough memories were sweet ones. but its was like adding salt to my wounds. teardrops to sleep ytd once again. its been a few days. and it doesnt seems to stop. maybe it had become a rountine? *shrug* dun ask me. still crying when woke up due to some dream i had last night. jsut so stupid. keep teardropping all the way, just seems neverending. told ANGEL n FEN i wun be steppin in to sabai anymore and ANGEL said let this sat night be the last. still considering. and to all, i'm serious when i said everything ish over means over. yes, i may be still waiting for a 'maybe' but its only one-sided. trust me. so pls dun mention to me anything like, nt at wlds? nt with zl? alr? thnks. really would apperitiate it. as wad i know he's alrdy fine with endin everything. and i'm the idiot who stil can't let go.
leave me alone,

♥ posted
4/29/2009 02:57:00 PM

Apr 27, 2009

wah. never go sch today. so later need to go get mc. hai. i'm confuse. dunnoe hw to explain. just really sick of everything. i still havent smoke for the whole day lor. as no more cig alrdy. hai. really damn broke la. sighs. =( hmm. maybe later meeting LIM BU out for dinner and slack ba. as i really dun feel like staying at hm. cos alone at hm i will go beresk. cant control my mind and dun wanna get emo too. sighs.
leave me alone,

♥ posted
4/27/2009 04:12:00 PM

Apr 26, 2009

another day. ytd he called. bout just to ask bout sabai thingy so got kinda fed up and text him bout some things. and he asked if i wanna go to sabai. but din as was sleeping. den he, VER n ANGEL talked. den till today i realised i mislead them. *lol* its kinda funny when today me n ANGEL discuss over that in sms. but also dun wanna probe over bout it much le. dun wish to talk bout it too. hmm, woke up damn early due to something which i dun wanna say much bout. so went to wash up and mum cooked breakie den had breakie before gg work. LIM BU came for wash and blow and we also talked bout that thingy again. *lol* bie wu long de me. den went down for smoke and acc her to earthdoll for awhile and went back to wrk. had ot while waiting for mummy to reach plaza to go hm tgt. well, thats all for today.
leave me alone,

♥ posted
4/26/2009 08:29:00 PM

Apr 25, 2009

went down to sabai last night but din enjoy at all as really didnt have to mood. actually didnt even feel like gg down in the first place though POP is performing for the last day. everything happened and ended ytd. the end of everything as he said i always choose frens over him.but till ytd den i realise all the things he'd done for me before. till ytd he said everything out and all his feelings to me. but in the end, i still chose face and insist of gg down to sabai rather den gg over to find him. i dunnoe why. maybe i'm scare he will lay his hands on me again. i dunnoe.
leave me alone,

♥ posted
4/25/2009 08:59:00 PM

Apr 24, 2009

back. took leave today cause i've gt no mood to work. went down sabai on the tues and ytd night. took loads of photo that tues. but nt uploading all as some TRI n ANGEL's blog have le. sama sama de. so will only be updating those they dun have. lol-
21th april-
went to work as usual. den decided to go sabai so confirm with ANGEL all that. den she told me in the evening TRI will also be gg. lol. *touched*. so after wrk rushed hm to take a really very fast shower and changed. met XIANG under my block to pass her my dolly head before meeting TRI they all at JE control. we all took train down to sabai. aiai's in-law aka WINNIE YAM is really TRI's cousin nor. both damn kp de, made me and aiai so ps. VER joined us at sabai arnd 1+. TRI n me left at 2 as i need to rush over wlds to meet MR PEH.
22th april-
woke up kinda early eventhough slept quite late last night. went down for brunch den shopped arnd in the supermarket with MR PEH. and bought lottery. lol. bought loads of bottle of fruit juice lor. so heavy. and bought some chips and ice cream too. (understand why i'm getting fatter?) lol. den went back to his place. took a shower den we 2 took the mahjiong tiles and starting our 'ER REN MA JIANG' . wahaha. one point we were too bored and he wanted to teach me hw to count the TAIS all that. acutally wanna go for movie but timing too late as he meeting his cousin later on so we decided to continue mj. so happy sia. finally got to touch the tiles le. lol. aftermath, went to cwp to meet FEN for dinner while he went to chong pang to meet his cousin. had dinnder at gelarie with FEN before back to his hse. acutally today ish one of my happy days de. as things ish changing between the both of us. he's also finally kinda changing his attitude all that towards me. but something really shitty happened. i've alry decided to cut down(infact alrdy did) on my clubbing and have also decided nt to play arnd and be with him for good. and kinda like settle down with him for e moment. changing my thinking of SINGLE BUT NT AVAILABLE. but things just isn't meant to be-
23th april-
packed my clothes from his hse and went to wrk.but had to lie saying i need to bring hm wash. he gt a bit suspicious but never did say much. msged him bout ending everthing. and avoided his call the whole day. until GRACE n FEN said, since u've decided why are still avoiding. hw long can i run away. so finally answered his call. he acted as if nth happened. so i told him straight, dn call or contact me anymore and i mean it. went hm to change and down to sabai once again. drink and drank. did some stupid things and call him etc. crying over him but nt worth. i'm suffering and he's slping. god. even wanted to go wld to look for him. luckily, VER n ANGEL stopped me. thanks ladies. den came home this morning. but stayed at the stairs there as really cant control anymore. had a reallly bad breakdown. dunnoe for hw long. but aftertat, dunnnoe wad happened. next time ish when i opened my eyes, i'm inside my sis's room slping alrdy. really dun rmb hw i got back. *shakeheads* told VER n ANGEL after 24TH APRIL 2009 i wun shed a tear for him le. but wil be able to do that? am i strong enough? *shrugs*
leave me alone,

♥ posted
4/24/2009 03:29:00 PM

Apr 21, 2009

woot. another update, these few days my lifestyle has been really boring. its work and woodlands nia. msg TRI on my lifestyle and she sae i can choose nt to. but its hard as told FEN my pay ish alwas for paying nia. like no pay at all. plus damn long no shpping and pedi trts le.plus MR PEH ish quite presistent on NOT gg to thai disco all that. and he expects the same from me too. just had some arguement with him due to this nia. >.<

17th april-

went to work as usual. but was damn shag today as ytd night slept arnd 4. haiyo. no strength to work lor. eyes cant even open up properly. and my colleagues all tot that i went clubbing the night before again. -.-''' wanted to have mahjiong session todae den. den VER came over to look for me at wrk in the afternoon telling me gt something on, so gotta cancel mj. wah, so disappointing lor. its been ages since i last touched the tiles man. and i kept complaining to MR PEH i miss mj. and he will only reply me, yes i know since feb right. hais. and since no mj session means no programme for me so went over to woodlands to acc him instead. during my "dinner" he explain more bout mj to me. lol. his eyes and face was so bright when it comes to mj. cute. *lol*. sometimes he's just so cute. but most times he irritates me. *wahaha*

18th april-

had breakie and rushed cab home to change and den rushed cab down to work as was gg to be late soon and plus my customer ish waiting. *shy* angel they all jio sabai but din go as was gg to dad's bbq with MR PEH. so at night MR PEH came over bpp to meet up with me before heading down to jurong for bbq. kinda funny when he met my dad and auntie(my dad's wife). *lol*. but was being nagged twice for leaving him alone nor. once by my dad as i went to get food and left him sittin alone but i was so innocent lor as he didn't wanna go over with me and i was so damn hungry nor. den once more by uncle RICHARD cos i went to get food for him while he went over to one side to smoke. wah. innocent right?! den cabbed back to wld with him arnd 3+ . and i din join e gals at sabai. its been a wk since i last stepped in. woot.

19th april-

another shag day. no strength to wrk once again. dunnoe why these few days keep feeling so tired. eventhough i stayed home to sleep. VER came over to look for me and updated me bout last night on sabai. MR PEH called to tempt me down to wlds with food. lol. so cek ark. but din wanna go home either. so called mum and told her i'll be gg hm to change den i'll be gg down to wld. and my late dinner as usual before heading back to his house. and my sis will be leaving tml morning to VIETNAM. FEN called and we chatted for quite long. its been ages since we chat on e phone. god. i miss my gals so much
20th april-
went to sch earlier den usual today as was having meeting with my bosses. so can't be late. lol. went for breakie before gg to sch as was too early. e meeting was bout my contract and extending it for another 1 more yr etc. den i told her straight i dun wanna continue and she was kinda shock. lol. den due to some miscommunication, she tot i wanna learn meni and pedi and even told me she gt a new course running on this. and even said she would get the person in charge to contact me. dots..dunnoe wad to sae. den went off earlier from sch. lol. spend the whole day in sch playing psp lor. no class at all. wahaha. so slack. hmmm. pretty much like that ba. till then.
leave me alone,

♥ posted
4/21/2009 12:12:00 AM

Apr 9, 2009

hmm. that day used com till 4+ den go sleep nor. in the end next day have to wake up at 6+ which was damn shag nor. keep on fishing in the course. lol.
7th april-
woke up at 6+ toget ready and stuff for sch again. as usual, XIANG overslept again. and early in the morning quarrelled with MR PEH again. hai. its like finally quite long never quarrel alrdy and stupid TRI la. since that day say in case we quarrel and blah blah. den from that day kept quarrelling till now lor. thanks leh TRI. *shake heads* took train to sch usual. when reached enous went to buy my ciggie. den went to the atm, acutally wanted to get cash de. in the atm couldn't dispense money. omg. jitao damn sway lor. and i had no cash with me. the whole i was like beggar lor. so pathetic. luckily, XIANG paid for my lunch first lor. if nt sure die down there sia.the course ended bout 5. and continued with the product course again. it went on for about another hr. and ended arnd 6 as all of us were like rushing. lol. funny. den went hm with XIANG n CHOEL by train. din contact with him e whole day only sent him a msg telling him bout ANGEL'S fren thingy. and he called only asking me to get ANGEL to call him. and thats all. on the way hm, called FEN and the girls were meeting at bp for dinner and asked if i wanna join. acutally tot of joinin them but in e end, din ask no point. by the time i reached bp earliest arnd
8.30 so went hm straight. den ANGEL asked for sabai so i went to bath and and preapred. was gg to out arnd 10 MR PEH called and god. quarrelled again. so went down to wld. and funny thing, he asked me to pack clothes to bring over lor. say i keep bringing home hm to wash but never bring back.*bth* so called ANGEL told her nt joinning. *sad* took bus dwn to wld to meet him.
8th april-
from ytd night arnd 3 plus sleep till afternn 3+. lol. like nobody's business. acutally dun wanna wake up de but MR PEH kept waking me up. so arnd 4 went dwn for our 1st meal of the day. den went back to bath and change and he went to yishun and i went back to bp to meet FEN as dun wanna hm early. den while waitin fer her TRI came over to find me for awhile before meeting ATW. den had went to KFC with FEN for some little stuff while waiting for VER to reach plaza. during that time called MR PEH, actally wanna called him to tell him i'll be gg dwn to COCOON with VER as i wanted to go for k session. but ended up quarrelling lor. acutally, i called in a damn good mood, and even asked him so nicely(even FEN said so). but sighs. dunnoe wad to sae lor. so forget bout it. and i off my phone. just dun wanna care. and blah blah. FEN said, he sure to call my frens asking if they were with me. den i said, dn worry. he wun do that cos he dun haf my fren's no. only have ANGEL'S no, but even he had. he wun look for me de. but sway sway he really did lor. he callled ANGEL and asked if she were with me and if she have got FEN'S or VER'S no as he knw i was with them. and blah blah. and he even told ANGEL by 10.30 if i dn call him back den i dun haf to call him anymore. *sighs* he even say to ANGEL, ish he my dog, go where have to report to me meh? den i told ANGEL just dn care bout him. and at 10.30 ANGEL called VER looking for me sayin, 10.30 alrdy. MR PEH say if i dn call him, my things would be flying from his hse. *shake head*. and i waited till 12 den i called him. he was so fed up lor. i asked him u looking for me? and he said no. den sae i dn have to contact him anymore. den i sae ok lor. and we both hung up. he msged me asking me to enjoy myself. and even asked me to enjoy flirting with guys. *lame* den i msg him saying since he say thing till as if he's my dog have to report to me den its ok. i wun bother him anymore. and asked him nt to worry, i will go get my things de. and end of story. just like that. den continue my crappin, k session and drinking with VER. well, eventhough its was just VER n me at COCOON today. but it was quite fun and damn funny. *lol* VER should know why. cabbed hm with VER arnd 1+. she send me hm first before heading hm. hmm.till then.
leave me alone,

♥ posted
4/09/2009 03:42:00 AM

Apr 6, 2009

photo of us 9 ladies taken by PAPA-SANLAO PO n LAO GONG. TRICIA THAM IS LOVE (=ANGEL, JUNE, TRI, VER, WINNIELAO PO LOVING LAO GONG TO EVERY BIT i also dun understand. just doin wad i was told.

here are the updates for e past 4 days. get ready-
3rd april-
had a short update that day. TRI called and sis came hm so din bother updating again as jie wanna use com. so chatted with TRI for quite awhile den hung up. MR PEH called arnd 10+. yup. he's out alrdy and he's ok. just that haf to go back on e 13th which is next mon to report. haiyo. troublesome lor. so changed and left hm arnd 11+ over to his place to meet him.den talked awhile and i went fell asleep arnd 12+ while watching tv. den woke up arnd 3+ for supper as din had dinner. went down fer mac cos nth to eat le. before that texted awhile with fen. but halfway thru gone. MR PEH asked hw come all my frens are so concern bout him, den i ans him simply as my frens arnd me ish use heart de n not like his frens will only get him into unwanted troubles.*den i had that face* lol. went back to sleep arnd 5 after supper.
4th april-
woke up arnd 11+ to prepare for work and woke him up to have my breuch before taking bus to work. luckily wasn't late for work as left wlds arnd 1+ which ish quite late as i was working at 2 nor. den had a quite tiring day at work. den actually planned with LENE todae down to sabai. but in e end cancelled as only 4 ladies *including me* gg nia. but out of a sudden, all was so siao on to sabai and they re-planned again. *dots* all on alrdy left me still thinking whether to go or nt. in the end, FEN finally made me go as she sae dun wanna stay hm esp wkends night. and she sae dun wanna go if i wasn't gg. but i only confirmed with her at arnd 8:45 pm and asked her to reach BP PLAZA at 9:30 to meet me and acc me hm to shower and change. but end up, when i called her at 9:30 she just showered finish nia lor. so i had to take go fetch her lor. bth. went off arnd 9:45 with CIN and cabbed to FEN's hse to fetch her before sending CIN hm den back to my hse. den after preparing den cabbed down to sabai to meet the ladies. and GERALD was also there. and he was like papa-san to us lor as all gals(LENE,ANGEL,VER,WINNIE,AHQI,AHQI'S FREN,TRI,FEN n ME). 9 ladies and he's e only guy. lol. den we're calling him PAPA-SAN e whole night. wahaha. den arnd 2+, TRI, FEN n me cabbed dwn to bkk to check out the new band. and when we reached there, ALAN(e asst manager) was so shocked to see us. *lol* den he kept pulling me lor. as we walked in, the ppl working there were all like so shocked lor. *funny*. wah. bkk is like a ghost city lor. bth. TRI n me nearly fell asleep over at there. and quickly left there lor. its nt even 1/2 hr we alrdy cannot take it le. so cabbed back to sabai with MR PEH n BEN. e 5 of us shared a cab backed to sabai. due to something, FEN left 1st. so we stayed till e end.went to lao pa sa to eat with MR PEH n his frens den cabbed backed to his hse.
5th april-
woke up at 10 as mummy called and kpkb as 2 days nvr go hm sleep ler. wah. jitao damn nosiy lor. den halfway thru hang up her phone as bth. den went back to sleep. woke up arnd 11+ to prepare and went straight to work as MR PEH din want to go eat. so went to wrk den eat nor. was quite awake as din drink much last night. was damn sober as din drink much. even JOSLYN said so as she said it was the first time see me sober at sabai. *dots* say as if i get drunk everytime lor. den went hm straight after work. den called fen arnd 10+11 and chatted all way till arnd 2 and went to sleep.
6th april-
woke up arnd 6+7 . damn shag lor. very long din wake up so early alrdy lor. as need to reach sch earlier today as we have to attend a customer service care course arranged by our company. but in the end also late as HAZEL woke up late. we reached sch arnd 10:15 lor. which 45 mins late nor. as we walked in our lady boss is having a brief meeting with all. so damn pai seh lor. den the lecturer of the course took over and started e course. nt a bad course. think will be quite usefull bah. hmm. its a 2 days course, and today's lesson ended arnd 5:30. den OLIVER took over and had arnd 1 hr lecture on the new products. den he wrapped up arnd 6 plus. and we finished everything at 6:30. den came hm straight after work. hmm. thats all for nw. tml have to wake up 6+ again. wah~ shag ar. till then.
leave me alone,

♥ posted
4/06/2009 10:50:00 PM

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

♥ posted
4/06/2009 10:43:00 PM

Apr 3, 2009

wad a day acutally have got loads of things to blog about as so many days nvr blog ler. acutally shld be a happy gal esp after wed as he really remembered me wanting my steamboat. but went out ytd night and cock things happened. dun wanna sae much on it. just simply moodless. had a tired day at work today. TRI came to plaza arnd 6 plus. had a puff and catch up abit. and she told me something on ANGIE's blog on some fren. got quite worried. and in the end, checking her blog just nw and guess wad? her "so called" FREN is me. hai. seriously, i just dunnoe wad to sae. if she wanna think that way, i've gt nth to sae. she's wad? angry? i just dunnoe. and wadever it was, i'm just simply disappointed.
p.s ANGIE- if u were to see this post. let me get this clear, if u were disappointed and wanna sae stuff like FRENS are like that den go ahead. did u even asked me wads was gg on? and wad actually happened? e one being disappointed shld be ME.i'm just speechless.
leave me alone,

♥ posted
4/03/2009 09:58:00 PM